Sunday 24 July 2011

Physical Benefits of Jogging

There are many physical benefits that can be accrued by jogging. Read on to learn more about these benefits, which may inspire you to embark on a jogging routine starting today.

Better Cardiovascular Fitness
The term cardiovascular fitness refers to the efficiency with which the lungs, heart and blood vessels deliver oxygen to all the muscles, when required. Improved cardiovascular fitness increases your lung capacity, and you would be able to take in more oxygen while inhaling. Your heart would also be able to pump more oxygen and blood to the muscles. Improved cardiovascular fitness also has more physical benefits including improved endurance and reduced body fat.

Reduced Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can damage your eyes, cardiac muscles, kidneys and brain. Jogging reduces blood pressure, which will help you avoid associated complications.

Increased Good Cholesterol

HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol, also known as good cholesterol, helps in controlling the body’s overall cholesterol levels. Improved cardiovascular fitness increases HDL cholesterol levels. Therefore, jogging supports a healthy heart.

Reduced Risk of Heart Ailments
Jogging makes the heart more efficient and stronger. A strong heart resists disease. It also pumps blood more easily.

Improved Endurance
Regular jogging increases the energy levels in the body, which boosts overall endurance. This in turn, will enable you to jog for longer periods.

Stronger Bones
Jogging places stress on the bones, to which they adapt by increasing their mineral density. Stronger bones are less likely to break, bend or fracture.

Reduced Risk of Cancer
Jogging significantly lowers the risk of contracting cancer. It reduces the risk of colon cancer by about 50%. It also lowers the chances of contracting other cancers such as prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer.

Prevents and Treats Diabetes
Jogging is a good defence against diabetes. Sedentary habits and too much body weight are a couple of causes of diabetes. Regular Jogging can negate these causes. Even the effects of advanced diabetes can be minimized by jogging daily.

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